When undertaking research, evaluating projects or creating policy, we need to know about people’s mental models of the world: what they think causes what. One way to find that out is to ask people, and analyse their answers.
Causal Map does what no other software can: it enables you to code, organise, understand and present this information as a network or map.
With Causal Map you upload texts containing people’s views about what causes what. This could be interviews, emails, published documents, questionnaire answers to open questions.
You can view the texts, section by section, looking for passages which suggest causal connections.
When you find a connection, you highlight it and encode it as a link between a pair of causal factors.
The app can combine and display several such links from the same source as an individual causal map.
You can also combine and display many links from many sources as a collective causal map.
You can then filter these map to create clear maps displaying interesting stories of change. Clearly display how many respondents mentioned any given link,byscalingandlabelling your links.
Use the legend below the maps to understand how to read them
Use a range of filtersto create impactful visual maps to effectively display causal pathways.
Nest causal factors within one another and “zoom out” to view only the big picture.
Trace how many respondents mentioned a chain of factors.
Create arange of tables and download in the format that suits you.
Edit and merge your links and factors easily
Collaborative working is made easier with shareable linksto maps you have made.
Use the power of AI as a low-level assistant to causally code your data for you.
Ask questions to the AIabout all the text in your file. It is completely independent of causal coding. It will work just as well without causal coding.
You can access Causal Map for free by simply signing up in the app - click the link below. No credit card information required, all users can use Causal Map for free, up to a limit of 50 links. Or get a subscription for more.