
Featured Post


Our seamless stories workflow in practice

Aug 6, 2024

An evaluation project about gender gaps faced by women pursuing STEM careers at DuocUC.

Drinking Tea with the Neighbors: Informal Clubs, General Trust, and Trustworthiness in Mali

Jul 25, 2024

Papers/publications in which Causal Map was featured or mentioned

New feature: Semantic search

Apr 2, 2024

Exciting news, Causal Map has just launched a new feature: Semantic Search🚀

Thinking together within and beyond Communities of Practice

Feb 6, 2024

Papers/publications in which Causal Map was featured or mentioned

Open-source causal mapping functions

Jan 18, 2024

Over the last three years we have developed a whole range of algorithms for causal mapping. The algorithms are published open-source in the form of functions for the programming language R.

EES 2023: Sharing our journey on AI’s application in qualitative research

Jan 12, 2024

Back in November 2023, Steve took the stage at the European Evaluation Society.